Who has ever had it easy when it comes to letting go? Even for us who are believers, letting go and letting God is easier said than done. And, it is more painful when we are invested emotionally. There is that pain that one feels that pierces through one’s heart and damn, it can hurt!
Lately, I have been learning to not underestimate seasons in life. I have been learning to accept that some seasons, actually most, are temporary. I have been learning to practise letting go of seasons that are done serving their purpose in my life. Has it been easy? Oh dear! Never has that ever been easy and brings me back to where I started this off, release pains! I have become very intentional in identifying seasons that I need to let go and the more I learn to release, the easier it gets. But, do not get me wrong, the pain never gets easier 🙁
Sometimes we want to hold on to spring yet we need to release it to experience summer and enjoy what it comes with. But also, if we have never experienced summer, we can never understand how it is until we release spring. And, for sure, when one door closes another opens, that is just a rule about life. We just need to be keen to see the door that opens and be ready to receive and embrace it.
Releasing is not easy and will never be easy. But, I am here to remind us to normalise letting go when a season is not serving us anymore and, embrace what a new season/new door brings. One thing I am certain, it only gets better but again it depends on how you let your mind to command it. And, the longer we hold from releasing the seasons that do not serve us anymore, the more we delay the next better season/door that is waiting for us.
So yeah, release pains! Mine have made me have emotional breakdowns but one thing I have always experienced for sure are better days afterwards! I wish just one soul gets the courage to release that season you are holding that does not serve you any more. I promise you darling, it will only get better 🙂
With Love, Mwendwa.