Hello darlings!

“Mh! What does this title even mean?” Possibly, that is what is on your mind as you begin to read. Stay with me. I promise it will make sense 🙂

Recently, I have been reflecting a lot about life and growth I have experienced so far. Growth in the sense of both positive events that have elevated me to new levels and, occasions I considered to be negative at that moment, because of how they made me feel. Only to realize they led me to growth and positive elevation eventually. Ikr. Positivity is the rule boo!

Anyway, on Just Jumping. When I got to university to pursue my first degree, Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science, at first it was about getting good grades- owing the fact that my dad is an academician and, that is what school was meant for with a benchmark of my previous education levels. However, being my norm to create connections with those ahead of me in life, I got insights in the beginning of third year on importance of being street smart besides books smart. And that, was the beginning of a new journey for me.

First, I was intrigued to understand my purpose which would guide my compass. I remember I was not a reader by then. Confession, I only read my high school set books twice on my own for the two years we had before national exams. That is how bad I was with reading. But, I had all the time to solve complex mathematics problems to get me to sleep. Weird. So, in third year my first book was, ‘Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren’ in pursuit of understanding WHO Mwendwa was, WHY I was created and WHY I was pursuing Environmental Science. As a believer who has had a very close relationship with God since 9 years, I sought my Father as well. In this season I developed a hunger for self realization that only I understood.

Fast-forward. I got a sense of direction and I knew even the organization I wanted to serve with after my degree. I started building my network. I remember whilst my peers were growing followers in Instagram, I was busy building my network in LinkedIn. Confession, LinkedIn has been the only social media platform that I have had a consistent relationship with since I joined it. It paid off big time! In that season, I also discovered my writing skill and out of this, I got my first opportunity to be a co-author for a publication in UNEP. Just imagine, at 21 I was a co-author. Universe continued to conspire and eventually after graduating I got into the organization I had dreamt of working since the WHY moment.

As controversial as it sounds, years later, I decided to take a risk and leave the path I had envisioned for myself. To almost everyone around me, it made zero sense to take the direction I was taking because, most people wished to be where I was. However, deep inside me, I knew I needed the change. Being a person who listens to self most times and with support of some of my mentors then, I decide to change the direction. Was it easy? Not at all. Reason being I was not prepared of the unfamiliarity ahead of me. What made me move forward then? Faith and believe in self. Also, where God leads, He provides (Isaiah 58:11). I like to say, “where God assigns, He ordains”. I am a living testimony of that.

Now, it has been 1 year 6months and I am glad I decide to JUST JUMP. Honestly, it has been the easiest navigation despite the fear at the beginning. What am I trying to communicate? You might be there, stuck in a path you envisioned for yourself even if your inner voice says it is time to pack and leave. But because of external voices and fear of unfamiliarity, you choose to remain comfortable. I am here to tell you, JUST JUMP. Immense growth awaits you on the other side. Thank me later. #wink

Ps: Thank you for all the kind words of how my pieces impact you. In the new year, we will have a better plan to stay more consistent. I promise.

Love, Mwendwa.


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