God Is Just God!

Why is it that the world makes it look like it is uncool to know, acknowledge and have a relationship with God? Well, I am one of those that take pride in knowing God instead because I mean, there is a God and no one can convince me otherwise. I am sorry if you are reading this and you do not agree because it just the fact 🙂

My relationship with God has been very personal since I was a young child, say, 10 years old? At that age, I used to go kneel down in my bedroom and say a prayer whenever something was done to me that hurt me. I love love my dad and everyone who knows me knows how that man means the world to me but, I knew there was another bigger dad who was my friend. Funny enough at that age, even with the challenges I would be going through, I hardly used to cry as I used to really speak to this bigger dad who used to divinely comfort me. I have seen many prayers I made at that age, that I never forgot, be answered as an adult. Actually, I am one person who can take offense if someone tries to show me how I should relate with God because I have always related with Him since when I was young.

We are living in times when all kinds of definitions about who God is are there and my heart bleeds for these times. The narrative has been twisted and most times these narratives are filled with a lot of confusion. Again, I say, I pity the times we are living in as they are just as 2 Timothy 3:1-5 explains.

In the beginning of this year I had a lot of burden in my heart to pray for my generation, particularly my country people. And, BUT GOD, recently I am seeing revival stories. Just few days ago, I watched a full transformation story of someone and this encouraged my faith in God the Father, the son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit!

God is real and life in Him is beautiful and no one can convince me otherwise as I am a living testimony of His faithfulness. My desire and wish is for more people to find this God and get to experience Him in their lives. And, normalize coolness in His presence.

With Love, Mwendwa

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